"Every child is gifted--they just unwrap their packages at different times" ~Unknown

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fine Motor

Many students struggle with handwriting. A great program to help students with poor handwriting and fine motor, is Handwriting Without Tears. This program ranges for students in grades K-5. This program helps encourage the development of handwriting. The program has many materials such as printing books, wood letters, chalkboards for printing, and many more great materials-check out the website! Our occupational therapist uses this program with several of her students. She also encourages teachers and parents to use the program during school and at home. This is a great program--I would definitely encourage you to check it out if you have already not used it in your classroom for students with poor fine motor and handwriting.


  1. We use HWT, and it is perfect for keeping reversals at bay. My students love Mat Man, and the basic strokes help them develop a better sense of self that reflects in their drawings. The wet-dry-try introduction of each letter truly solidifies the strokes and gives students an alternative medium for working on letters.

  2. I have heard of this program before, but I haven't ever seen any of these resources used before. I plan on looking into this program, because I can think of a few students who could really benefit from a program like this. Thanks for sharing!
