"Every child is gifted--they just unwrap their packages at different times" ~Unknown

Friday, September 30, 2011

Destination Sucess

I went to a two day training this week on an excellent research-based program called Destination Success. The program does cost money (my district has purchased it) but it is well worth the money. The program is computer based instruction and practice. The program covers preK-12 reading and math instruction. You can search the curriculum by Scope and Sequence or by state standards. You can create lesson plans, generate tests, and progress monitor students. This tool is not just for students with special needs, it can be for students in general education too. Check it out and see what you think.


  1. I wonder if this will replace the reading and math programs we use now or be an additional option. I like that it is searchable by state standards, especially for the classroom teacher. This could be a great tool for me to use with my students who need reinforcement or a challenge.

  2. I haven't heard of this program before. Sounds very interesting and I will definitely check it out. Thanks for the information.

  3. I am curious as to how you combine what your school district already implements and this curriculum as well. Do they mesh well together? Sometimes I feel like I am given too many things to implement and not enough training on some of it. Sounds like you really enjoy this program, hope it continues to go well.
