"Every child is gifted--they just unwrap their packages at different times" ~Unknown

Thursday, October 13, 2011

This Time of Year

I absolutely love fall time! We have a wonderful Halloween Carnival at school that the children look forward to every year. We also have a great bake sale. I love buying pumpkin bread from it! However, this time of year also brings many changes. As the children begin to get more comfortable in their new class environments, behaviors start to surface that were not seen at the beginning of the year. Yesterday, I had a meeting with my assistant principal and she asked me to honestly tell her her strengths and weaknesses...yikes! I was quickly able to tell her her strengths but had to give some thoughts to what I thought could be improved. I came up with overall school discipline. I feel that this is an area that we are lacking in and need more support from administration. She agreed this is an area that she needs to work on and be more consistent with. It was kind of awkward but I am glad I was able think of something! It's hard to believe we are near the end of this class! Good luck getting ready for the final debate!

1 comment:

  1. I love this time of year too....fall. :) We had parent teacher conferences last week and it is hard for me to believe the first quarter has ended.....that means one-fourth of the school year is over....YIKES!

    I have never had an administrator ask to share what I feel their strengths and weaknesses are....good for you for being honest, Lindsey.
    Have fun with your fall celebrations!
