"Every child is gifted--they just unwrap their packages at different times" ~Unknown

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Educational Trend- Inclusion

Last year (2010-2011), my school restructured our special education program making it a total Inclusion program. In previous years, we would provide a mixture of services: pull-out and in-class based on what was best for the student. Now, all of our students in the special education program, except for two (this is based upon parent request), participate in full inclusion. I would have to say it has been very interesting and challenging trying to meet the many needs of my students in the regular education setting. I struggle each day with the question, "Am I truly meeting the needs of all of my students through this program?" Fortunately, I work with very caring and willing general education teachers that make my job just a little easier by providing great assistance and instruction for my students. At the end of the day, I really do feel full Inclusion has been positive for the majority of my students.  We have also had a positive response from parents and teachers regarding being a full inclusion school. The article, Special Education Inclusion: Making it Work, highlights the strengths and weaknesses of Inclusion as well as the history behind this trend, the article provides low and high technology that promotes a successful program, and it also provides an outline to a school of implementing a successful program.

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