"Every child is gifted--they just unwrap their packages at different times" ~Unknown

Friday, June 25, 2010

Required Reading # 3: The Student WebQuest

WebQuests are wonderful learning tools for students. I read Yoder’s article, The Student WebQuest, before completing our group WebQuest in class. This article takes you through a step-by-step process of how to create one as well as gives you links to finished WebQuests you can use in the classroom. At first this article did not make complete sense to me since I had never designed or interacted with WebQuests. After designing our group WebQuest on Biomes and animal adaptations, I realized this article was a tremendous help and resource. In my opinion WebQuests are effective and engaging activities for students. They have parameters but at the same time they allow students to be original. I like how each WebQuest has a real world problem or essential question to be answered. It shows students the purpose of the activity, which I think is important. Using WebQuests can generate higher level thinking which may not be achieved by simply giving students a group project to complete by conducting their own research. Overall, I am very interested in using WebQuests in my classroom and am glad I had the opportunity to create a WebQuest in this course.

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