"Every child is gifted--they just unwrap their packages at different times" ~Unknown

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Final Project Woes

I began working on our final project early last week. I am becoming an expert on the Web 2.0 application, Youblisher. I signed up for a free account and when I logged in the site it told me they are in the middle of an infrastructure update and it would be a little while before I could completely access the site. So, I logged in today to see if the update was complete and it is still not!! I am kind of frustrated because they keep saying they will give a timeline on how long the update will take, but they still have not posted it! Technology is so wonderful, but at times it can be so frustrating!! So I have hit a little bump in the road, but it is okay. I am going to give it a few more days and if nothing has changed I am going to research the Web 2.0 app, Scribd, which is similar to Youblisher. Stay tuned to see if I become an expert on Youblisher or Scribd!

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