"Every child is gifted--they just unwrap their packages at different times" ~Unknown

Monday, June 14, 2010

Voice Thread: Web 2.0 Presentation

For part of our midterm grade, we had to partner up and present a Web 2.0 app. Cassie, Lindsey, and I chose Voice Thread. We will share various examples for grade levels, demonstrate how to upload a ppt file to VT, name it, and do a sample recording. We will show everyone how to browse for the created VT, register, and record responses. We will also play the class VT.

A VoiceThread is an online media album that can hold essentially any type of media (images, documents and videos) and allows people to make comments in 5 different ways - using voice (with a microphone or telephone), text, audio file, or video (with a webcam) - and share them with anyone they wish. A VoiceThread allows group conversations to be collected and shared in one place, from anywhere in the world. The possibilities for educators are endless!!!

These are some step-by-step directions for creating identities, setting up a class, and commenting on slides.

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