"Every child is gifted--they just unwrap their packages at different times" ~Unknown

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Task 0210 Editorial Image Production

Edited Image:
In the edited image, the foreground of the picture is the man’s hand, the middle ground is the military uniform, and the background is a yellow backdrop. The message is perceived as a military man standing at attention. The mood is very solemn.

Original Image:
In the original image, the military man holding the hand of the small Haitian girl changes the message to compassionate and loving. The mood is touching. The foreground of the picture is the hands, the middle ground is the uniform, and the ground/sky is the background.

USS Normandy Provides Aid in Haiti

Photo by: Petty Officer 2nd Class Daniel Barker

Image Processing Techniques:
In order to completely change the intent of the message, I used cropping and stamping. I began by cropping out most of the little girl’s arm. I then found a color similar to the yellow in the background and covered what I was unable to crop. I used the stamping feature to recreate the uniform to cover up the girl’s finger tips. By editing these parts of the image, I was able to drastically change the overall intent and message of the original image.

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